Golf: Access to Success

In today’s high impact business environment, 90% of all Fortune 500 executives play golf. Is golf in your portfolio?

“Rose (Harper) takes the mystique out of golf and makes it an inviting and accessible game for everyone. With her ability to demystify and share so many insights about the game, Rose truly supports her strong, well-articulated belief that golf is a universal game . . .”

Michael J. Critelli, Executive Producer, “From the Rough” Productions

The Grass Ceiling is the leading business empowerment firm in the world that uses the game of golf as a platform to help women and minorities level the playing field with their counterparts in the business world.

Join world-renowned golf expert Rose Harper and The Grass Ceiling for certified workshops, seminars, and lectures centered upon The Art of the Deal: Golf. Invest in your professional advancement and gain access to the game that cultivates powerful business relationships all over the world.

“The most important thing about playing golf is access – access to other people. If you have golf in your portfolio, it gives you access that you can’t buy and that education alone cannot guarantee. It’s one of the most effective tools for networking and deal making in today’s business world – and it’s the best vehicle we have for upward corporate mobility. Golf is a diversity tool that transcends race, class, religion, gender, and language – it gave me global exposure as a woman and a minority. Make the investment in yourself – the returns will be far greater than you can imagine.”

Rose Harper, CEO of The Grass Ceiling

Black Professional Woman at Desk
White Female Student Standing
Black Male Doctor